Address and location for Krizna cave
Tel: 00-386-41-632-153
E-mail: [email protected]
Društvo ljubiteljev Križne jame
Bloška Polica 7
1384 Grahovo
Križna cave is 2km away from the address above - look at the map.
קואורדינטות כניסה
N 45° 44′ 43.5798‘‘ +45.745439
E 14° 28‘ 2.5068‘‘ +14.467363
איך מגיעים למערת הצלב ברכב?
לחצות את הכביש למערה של הובלה לכל המכוניות, חניכים ואוטובוסים. לפני הבור מספיק
מקומות חניה, אשר הנם ללא תשלום.
Ljubljana - Austria
From Ljubljana head towards Koper-Trst. Leave the motorway at the exit Unec. There you must turn left and continue the way on the regional road (the path will carry you through Unec, Rakek, Podskrajnik, Cerknica, Martinjak, Grahovo, Bločice, Bloška polica). When you reach a village called Bloška polica you have to turn right at the intersection (towards Lož). After 1 kilometer you will notice a sign »Križna jama« on the right side – there you have to leave the regional road and continue your way on a dirt road. Follow the path for 1 kilometer. When you reach an intersection turn left. Only 200 meters and you reach the Križna cave. The ride from Ljubljana will take about 1 hour, as Križna cave is only 60 km from the city.
Koper - Italy
From Koper follow the way towards Ljubljana – Austria. Leave the motorway at the exit Unec. There you must turn left and continue the way on the regional road (the path will carry you through Unec, Rakek, Podskrajnik, Cerknica, Martinjak, Grahovo, Bločice, Bloška polica). When you reach a village called Bloška polica you have to turn right at the intersection (towards Lož). After 1 kilometer you will notice a sign »Križna jama« on the right side – there you have to leave the regional road and continue your way on a dirt road. Follow the path for 1 kilometer. When you reach an intersection turn left. Only 200 meters and you reach the Križna cave. The ride from Koper will take about 1 hour and 15 minutes, as Križna cave is only 85 km from the city.
Babno Polje - Croatia
When you pass the border crossing Prezid-Babno polje continue your way on the regional road (you will drive through Babno Polje, Podgora pri Ložu, Iga vas, Pudob, Stari trg pri Ložu, Lož). When you leave Lož drive for 3 kilometers and on the left side of the road you will soon notice a sign »Križna jama«. There you have to leave the main road and drive 1 km on the dirt road. On the intersection turn left. 200 meters more and you will reach the cave. The ride from Babno polje will take about 25 minutes as the cave is only 20 kilometers away.
There is no public transportation to the cave.
The closest bus station is in a village Žerovnica near Cerknica, 4,5 km away, 1 hour walk. LINK TO BUS SCHEDULE The closest railway station is in Rakek, 17 kilometers away. LINK TO TRAIN SCHEDULE
Taxi from Ljubljana, 60 km to the cave.
Taksi from Postojna, 32km to the cave.