Description of the Association of Križna cave (DLKJ)
Description of the Association of Križna cave (DLKJ)
We are an assotiation, that deals with:
- The protection of the karst (Krasa) (Both surface and underground)
- Visitor tours through Križna cave
- In addition to Križna cave, we also take care of other caves (Nova Križna cave, Golobina…)
- Education lessons and presentations about karst terrain. We focus on the underground and it’s protection.
- Cleaning of the caves.
The Assotiation of Križna cave lovers was established in 1998. It currently has 39 members. We primarily operate in the inner part of Slovenia, but also elsewhere on parts of Slovenia with karst terrain. Our members are through the association connected to karst, it’s exploration, presentation, it’s protection and cleaning – as volenteers or workers.

The members explore karst and publish both professional and popular literature. A large part of the association members are active cavers. Individuals also have the status of cave divers and members of Caving rescue service, and some are also professional photographers. All the members of the association are educated in the field of exploration, protection and guiding through the caves and karst surface.
DLKJ is a part of Speleological Assotiation of Slovenia, which ensures adequate professional training in the field of caving and environment protection to our members. The association also cooperates with other professional institutions – in the field and range of our activities – that also educate out members through lectures (IZRK – SAZU, Central museum Postojna, Center for mapping of flora and fauna) and shared activities, that are carried out on the karst area.
Križna cave in Lož, which we care for, is a tourist cave (it is one of open caves with limited visit). New Križna cave is one of the six caves in Slovenia (out of 11.500) which are closed to the public. It was explored and closed on the initiative of the association members. Throughtout the drafting of the law for cave protection, the cave presented appropriate protection and treatment of the sensitive cave ecosystem.
We also constantly monitor the status of other karst occurrences (underground and surface) in the surrounding area (in the area of Loška dolina, Cerknica and Bloke). We also carry out cleanups both on the surface and underground, educate the public and present different problems, which are common in the karst area to schools, other institutions and to individuals.

In the last 25 years the members of the association almost entirely cleaned out the Križna cave. The cave was filled with waste, which was left there by visitors from the last century.
Through its activity, the assotiation wishes to align problems and benefits of conservation of natural caves and visitor guidance, and ensure education of both the younger and older generations about karst, especially the underground in central Slovenian area, as our association saw it in few decades of experience and »life« of it’s members with the cave system and it’s surroundings.
Our desire is to be able to, in the next few years, offer the public (both professional and general) even a higher quality visit – a different exploration and to continue and improve the protection of the tourist Križna cave, as well as the entire cave system in the central karst area.
Any increased, commercialised visit (especially in the water part of the cave) over the set hypothetical limit (established on the basis of experience and measurements), which is advocated by our association, would endanger the cave system and undermine out efforts (Some of our members »have lived« with the cave for the past 30 years).