Z 1.aprilom in do konec junija je ob sobotah, nedeljah in prazniki mogoč ogled Križne jame do I. jezera, brez predhodne najave. Najava je potrebna le v primeru večje skupine. Pred jamo vas bo čakal vodnik, kateri vam bo dal škornje in ročno svetilko. Za ogled potrebujete topla oblačila in dodaten par nogavic (v jami je le 8 stopnij C). Izven urnika je obisk po dogovoru.
From 1st April until the end of June on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays you can see the Križna cave to the I. lakes without prior agreement. The reservation is necessary in the case of larger groups. Infront the cave will be waiting a guide, which will give you boots and flashlight. You need warm clothes and an extra pair of socks (in the cave is only 8 degrees C). In the other days and hours the visitis by prior agreement.